Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update:             Two drinks at Reserva Conchal Private Resort-$8

We are all good at some things. Lucky for me, my husband is good at getting us into any private luxury complex to snoop around. And snooping can mean swimming in their pool, enjoying their beach club, or checking out the rooms.

Our mission is to bring you any interesting tidbits on these escapades. What was the most impressive to what felt like a ripoff. 

It’s a job I am more than qualified to do, since floating in an resort pool while drinking a margarita is the perfect amount of energy I like to burn on a hot day.

Of course, it’s all for a good cause…right?



By | 2018-04-15T18:19:55-04:00 April 25th, 2011|Categories: Tourism|Tags: |11 Comments

About the Author:

Nadine is the author of the best-selling series, Happier Than A Billionaire. Join her as she navigates living as an expat in the sometimes confusing, always beautiful, country of Costa Rica.


  1. Angela November 20, 2011 at 2:08 am - Reply

    “Just go out and play.” I can’t remember when I last did that. Maybe because being 69 means my playtime years were so long ago. Brings tears to my eyes as I contemplate the possibility of having a life where just going out and play might be possible. Thank you for that gift of insight to a possibility of what we may find when we arrive.

    • admin November 21, 2011 at 8:50 am - Reply

      That was beautifully written. When I was stuck in that office, I never thought about playing. I was so exhausted running the business, I couldn’t remember what it was like to just allow yourself to be happy. I now play everyday and hope that never ends. It feels good to be positive once again and live a life that fits me perfectly.

  2. Todd | ChannelingMyself April 28, 2011 at 1:36 pm - Reply

    You two are funny, sounds like what we used to do when we were teenagers.

    • admin April 28, 2011 at 8:23 pm - Reply

      I feel like I got back something that was lost for a long time. It was almost like I forgot to have fun, all the responsibilities seemed to steal that from me. Now I’m remembering what it was like to just go out and play.

      I will never allow myself to lose that part of me again.

  3. Tammy April 25, 2011 at 8:30 pm - Reply

    I can’t wait until your first book gets published so I can buy it. Please keep writing. Love your blog.

    • admin April 26, 2011 at 12:10 pm - Reply

      Thank you so much. I have deep gratitude for all those who email me and comment on my wacky ideas I get while living here. I love your blog too livingrichonthecheap.blogspot.com

      I feel like you don’t have to sacrifice, you can really live great if you are willing to tweak some things. I can’t afford these ritzy complexes, but if there is a way to enjoy them by eating lunch there or having a drink and getting a chance to swim in their pool, I’ll do it. I don’t feel like I miss out on anything and I am glad people who can afford it get the chance to visit and/or live here in style.

  4. Annie April 25, 2011 at 5:40 pm - Reply

    Ah, regarding the above…
    Just navigated over to your “about” pages and it looks like many of my questions are answered, though I’d love to hear more! Thanks again

  5. Annie April 25, 2011 at 5:34 pm - Reply

    I always enjoy your posts…Costa Rica is a place I dream of living one day. I can’t help but wonder from some of your comments – what kind of lifestyle do you lead down there? Are you, as I gathered from a previous post, living in some kind of gated community? What is your interaction with the locals? Do you keep company mainly with other ex pats? Are there areas you would recommend for whatever reason?
    I worry with the growing popularity of the country that it will just become an extension of the states…along with the high price tag…Would you mind talking about that?
    If I’m stepping over your boundaries, my apologies and never mind! Just very curious. Thanks~

    • admin April 25, 2011 at 6:02 pm - Reply

      Hi Annie, I will try to answer these questions for you. I used to live near San Ramon with is in a cooler and mountainous part of Costa Rica. I lived in a gated community that only had a couple houses, a broken gate, and not much anything else. It was high on a mountain and near a forest. It was a wonderful place to live.

      I have since moved to the beach, the Flamingo/Tamarindo area. We had bought a piece of property years ago and have decided to get permits to build. That is a whole other story and is part of my second book. I will share those stories as they come. This area is about 5-10% more expensive than where I used to live. Since it is such a tourist area, there is always the urge to go to a restaurant or spend money on an excursion. I try to stay within my budget and realized you can enjoy a lot of these fancy places on the cheap, thus my latest email. I doubt many people can afford to stay at a place for $350 a night so I am trying to still have fun at those places while not spending that kind of money.

      It’s hard to say which area is better. I loved my last place and I love this place. My last place had cooler weather but this place has the ocean and lots of fun things to do. I think it’s best to live in both areas so you can get a feel for the difference.

      I write and work out a lot so I don’t socialize much. I love the tico’s and have made friends with many gringos. I tend to shy away from parties and would rather work on my book or my blog. If you want a big social network, that’s easy here. Gringos are always getting together and there are many groups you can join. Since work, I am really enjoying the quiet time I have to just unwind. Even after all these years, I still feel like I am unwinding from my job. Maybe because it isn’t too far from my mind how hard I worked, what the traffic was like, the stress on everyone’s face. It’s those things I don’t miss.

      I think living in Costs Rica is cheap. I try to stay within a budget of $1000 to $1200 a month, which I think is fantastic since I live really well. Some people complain that it is too much, but I spent three times that in the states to not live as well. I know Nicaragua is cheaper but I really like what Costa Rica has to offer. My friend just had a heart attack, had a stint put in, and received great medical care. He was already in the health care system here and didn’t have to pay a dime. All I pay is $50 a month for this kind of insurance and I am pleased that it is available for me.

      I do think Costa Rica will get more popular since it really gives you a great lifestyle. Many times I turn to my husband and say “We’re living like a movie star!” The days here are that spectacular. But I wouldn’t worry that there wouldn’t be room for you. Yes, prices seem to be going up but are still reasonable. It is not for everyone, there is a definite learning curve moving here. But I wanted that. I wanted that sense of adventure. Why as we get older do we start to shy away from that? It’s exactly what we should be doing, seeking out the unusal, opening ourselves up to all the possibilities that still await us.

      I hope I answered some of your questions. Moving here was the best decision. It opened me up in ways I didn’t know was possible and introduced me to a place I have fallen in love with. I really am happier than a billionaire.

      Pura Vida.

      • Annie April 29, 2011 at 6:37 pm - Reply

        Oh thank you for that expansive reply! I need to know mucho!

        Your closing sent me searching, and took me directly to the Wikipedia page on the culture of Costa Rica…this is the essense:

        Pura Vida –
        …Costa Ricans use the phrase to express a philosophy of strong community, perseverance, resilience in overcoming difficulties with good spirits, enjoying life slowly, and celebrating good fortune of magnitudes small and large alike…

        love it!

        • admin April 30, 2011 at 2:23 pm - Reply

          A love that definition. You definitely feel that down here, a bigger sense of community than in the states.

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