Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: Head of broccoli- 60 cents

There is an upside to a down market. When the boom hit, you couldn’t go a mile without seeing a cement truck kick up dust along the dirt roads. It was an exciting time, an unrealistic time, and just like in the states, it changed overnight.

My first impression was the results would be devastating. But after the dust settled—literally—it became clear why I chose this country in the first place. The decrease in construction allowed a window of opportunity for wildlife to return. They’re smarter than us; they won’t live near the deafening sounds of jackhammers.

So as I’m planning on building my home, I’ll give more consideration to my new furry friends. I will show them tile samples, perhaps consult their opinions concerning where to plant a banana tree, but more importantly, promise them that I will not build a 10 bedroom McMansion. I will not be selfish…my window of opportunity includes them as well.

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:37-04:00 August 29th, 2011|Categories: Cost of Living|Tags: , |27 Comments

About the Author:

Nadine is the author of the best-selling series, Happier Than A Billionaire. Join her as she navigates living as an expat in the sometimes confusing, always beautiful, country of Costa Rica.


  1. Guadalupe Ryan March 15, 2013 at 9:40 pm - Reply

    Are you certain there is room for the house? That alone feels great and will eventually give you the confidence to take the next step. I did sell/give away everything last year and retired. Thanks Tobias.

    • admin March 27, 2013 at 9:39 am - Reply


  2. Mari Willis December 8, 2011 at 3:55 am - Reply

    Congratulations!! But your skills might work everywhere. Looking to build in a few years once we are ready to cut the cord and move down there full-time.

  3. Neva Keres September 12, 2011 at 6:55 am - Reply

    I enjoy your writing style and appreciate the commentary. I have been receiving International Living material for a long while, but have never made any kind of decision about Costa Rica. I did sell/give away everything last year and retired. I joined the Peace Corps and am serving my second (final) year in Ukraine. I LOVE having my every day experience be so different from what went before. I am anticipating the end of my service in June 2012 and am foot-loose and looking for wonderful places to call home. I also like being able to live simply and inexpensively in wonderful places. Thank you for your window into moving to a new place. Aloha (I am from Hawaii), Neva

    • admin September 13, 2011 at 9:38 pm - Reply

      What an exciting life! Thanks for following the blog and looking forward to more of your comments. Good luck with your search.

  4. Tobias September 5, 2011 at 1:05 pm - Reply

    Nice article and good point!

    • admin September 7, 2011 at 1:55 pm - Reply

      Thanks Tobias. Their is always a bright side, and sometimes that side is actually brighter than one initally thought.

  5. stephen spiegel September 2, 2011 at 2:34 pm - Reply

    Hey Rob,
    Its me stephen from brooklyn, you know Arthur’s friend. Anyway, he told me about your site so I checked it out. I think its great. I am happy your doing well.
    all the best,

    • admin September 2, 2011 at 4:06 pm - Reply

      Hi Steve, most of the blog is me talking about Rob. I can only imagine what I would write if his Brooklyn friends came down to visit. That could be a whole book in itself.

  6. Rachel Kenwell September 1, 2011 at 5:01 pm - Reply

    Is buying a lot and building a house in CR expensive? say 1,200 square feet?

    I’m starting to think that you do need a fair amount of money in savings to relocate there and live like you’s are?? I’m getting worried…

    • admin September 1, 2011 at 5:21 pm - Reply

      I would suggest not building if you are unsure of your finances. Just rent a while and investigate what’s out there. See how it goes and if you find you are in the position to build, then go for it. If you find that renting is enough, perhaps that is a better avenue for you.

      Prices vary on land here just as in the states. You will pay more for a view and a house with granite countertops. It all depends on what you are looking for.

      But it is too soon to worry. I believe spending some time and getting to enjoy the culture is more important. Give yourself the chance to take a breath and enjoy the fact you had enough guts to move to another country. That alone feels great and will eventually give you the confidence to take the next step.

  7. Nadine August 31, 2011 at 8:18 pm - Reply

    you should make a special garden just for the animals! grow the foods they like… then if you make a garden for yourself, they will be too busy with their foods on the other side of the house to worry about your stuff.

    that’s just a theory.

    never take my gardening advice, i kill everything. even plastic plants, and that is not an exaggeration.

    i can’t wait to see what your house looks like before, during and after… post lots of photos of the process!

    • admin September 1, 2011 at 5:17 pm - Reply

      Thanks Nadine, I want to keep all those interesting animals around, it’s why I like it here so much.

      Still in the permit stages, so not in any rush. But when I start, I will surely share all the drama with my blog friends.

  8. Annie August 30, 2011 at 11:55 am - Reply

    Gorgeous shot. We want to find a beautiful spot and are considering an earthbag house along the lines of those here…
    For anyone unfamiliar, Owen Geiger, originally from Colorado but now living in Thailand, has a great website and blog exploring earthbag construction. As simple or complicated as you choose, and the results are amazing!

    • admin August 30, 2011 at 9:43 pm - Reply

      Very cool. I think there are many possibilites out there worthy of investigating. Thanks for the link.

  9. Cheapchick (Tammy) August 29, 2011 at 7:20 pm - Reply

    Are you certain there is room for the house? I hear Rob planted a crop of Mangos on that building site 🙂

    • admin August 29, 2011 at 8:58 pm - Reply

      Hey Tammy, I was thinking about you. Rob now has about 100 bushes he is growing, not to mention all those mango trees. I’m not sure if there will be room for that house.

      Hope all is well up there, and tell your hubby we said hi.

  10. martin chretien August 29, 2011 at 6:55 pm - Reply

    I love your site.I am planning on relocating as early as next May to Costa Rica. I need a way to make a few hundred bucks a month to keep from depleting my savings. Have any good ideas?


    • admin August 29, 2011 at 8:56 pm - Reply

      I would go to the touristy areas by the beach. I think that is the best place to start a business. But your skills might work everywhere. It is hard to say, I’ve seen people do great here and have also seen the opposite. A trip down and some scouting around will probably give you a better idea.

  11. tom to dominical August 29, 2011 at 5:08 pm - Reply

    Love your blog! My wife and I finally took the plunge and bought the 6 most beautiful acres in all of Dominical. OK, perhaps not THE most beautiful (that is a matter of taste and budget, perhaps), but definitely our dream. Looking to build in a few years once we are ready to cut the cord and move down there full-time.

    I’m looking forward to experiencing what I’ve read on your blog first-hand (even the not-so-funny parts). A bad day in CR sure looks like it beats even a good day in the rat race.

    • admin August 29, 2011 at 8:55 pm - Reply

      Congratulations!! I hope one day I can visit. I love being out of the rat race, and no matter what this country throws at me, I’m still happier than I was while stuck in the office.

  12. Jeff August 29, 2011 at 2:36 pm - Reply

    Hi there, that’s a beautiful picture that accompanies that blog entry. Where is that?

    • admin August 29, 2011 at 8:54 pm - Reply

      That is from a friends house in Playa Hermosa, Guanacaste. The views around here are amazing. They rival many I’ve seen around the world. It was such a peaceful day when I took that picture.

  13. Lisa Lewis August 29, 2011 at 11:48 am - Reply

    Where’s the like button? 😉

    • admin August 29, 2011 at 8:52 pm - Reply


  14. Tom Duffy August 29, 2011 at 11:14 am - Reply

    Where will you be building ? Have you already purchased the land ?

    • admin August 29, 2011 at 8:52 pm - Reply

      We bought land in Flamingo years ago. We are in the process of permits, which makes me want to stick a pencil through my eardrum.

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