Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: 2 liter Coca-Cola bottle $2.60

“Can I drink the water?” People often ask me this with a tiny glimmer of fear in their eyes.  It’s the look of someone who was once a victim of an unfortunate intestinal calamity while on vacation.

“I’ve been there,” is all I can say, for I too have fought in the parasitical trenches. Once you’ve marched through that proverbial battlefield, you will never look at an unassuming ice cube in your Coca-Cola again. Every icy glass of soda becomes a potential enemy. Therefore, it is understandable people ask this question when considering a visit to Costa Rica: Is it safe to drink the water?

The only time I’ve been sick in Costa Rica was after eating at a fast food restaurant; I’ve never fallen ill from drinking the water. Costa Rica does not have the problems other developing countries do, but that being said, it doesn’t hurt to take some precautions.

When we moved to the beach, we heard that you have to be a little more careful with the water supply here. However, I’ve never had a problem eating out at any restaurants in the area.  This is saying a lot since I am prone to getting sick before anyone else. I make myself useful at dinner; I’m a canary in a coal mine, the first one to realize that colorful shrimp dish everyone is eating has a shelf life that expired two weeks ago.

Nevertheless, my husband wants to make sure that the water at our house is as clean as possible. We now use a reverse osmosis filter that he lugged from the states. Rob has a lot of things for testing, treating, and filtering water. And in a way, it was his obsession with water that led us to Costa Rica.

 Years ago, we owned a 265 gallon salt water fish tank.  On any given day you could have found my husband on a ladder, bent over into the tank, and scrubbing algae off a rock with a toothbrush. It was one of these days, while he worked on his tank, I was reading a book about Buddhism.

“Interesting, it says that materialistic possessions often cause suffering,” I read out loud.

In a moment of enlightenment, Rob stood back up on the ladder, algae toothbrush in hand, and said, “I hate this. I wanted it so bad and now I spend my day off cleaning it for hours. I’m being held hostage by this fish tank. If anyone is suffering right now it is definitely me.” He realized we needed to eliminate some of the things that held us back from doing what we really wanted to do—retire in Costa Rica. This meant not only selling the fish tank but also living in a place where the reef does not need periodic cleaning with a dental device.

Every few days, Rob assembles a very sophisticated setup that involves a 5 gallon jug, garden spigot, and a reverse osmosis filter. It looks much like a moonshine contraption found in a hill-billy’s backyard. In 20 minutes, the jug fills with water filtered down to 2 part per million. It’s absolutely delicious and we never have to buy bottled water again. It’s easy on the budget, as well as, the land fill. It’s a win-win. Except when Rob needs to haul the heavy jug of water back into the house. But of course this does build muscle so Rob gets the added bonus of a workout.

One should always take precautions when drinking water in another country. But feel confident your trip here will most likely not result in Montezuma’s revenge. So enjoy your pina colada. The water is pura vida in Costa Rica.

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:36-04:00 September 23rd, 2011|Categories: food|Tags: , |27 Comments

About the Author:

Nadine is the author of the best-selling series, Happier Than A Billionaire. Join her as she navigates living as an expat in the sometimes confusing, always beautiful, country of Costa Rica.


  1. Debbie and Chris Lee June 21, 2012 at 11:31 pm - Reply

    Well, now our astrologer said Costa Rica would be great if I was single and Ecuador would be great for us as a couple. I got more advise that it would be better to not do Ecuador. It’s cheaper in Ecuador. Anyway… I ordered your book and then before I knew about it, my husband ordered it for his kindle. Hmm… kindred spirits wanting to live in Costa Rica. We each laugh out load reading your book. We want to move from cold, rainy Oregon SO bad. We’re working on it. Thanks for giving us joy.

    • admin June 29, 2012 at 9:25 am - Reply

      Thank you Debbie and Chris. No matter where you will be, I’m sure you find an adventure! Moving to a foreign country is such an enriching experience, it changed so many things in my life. I’m not the same person I was before the move….and that’s a good thing.

  2. Frank January 10, 2012 at 1:02 pm - Reply

    Hi Nadine,

    I bought your book and I can’t stop laughing. Nadine, you should have been a comedian big time in the states …. instead of a chiropractor. I have your book on my ipad with bookmarks all over the place. When my wife and I sit down to chat about the day with a glass of wine, out comes your book and I read her the parts I’ve bookmarked. We can’t stop laughing the whole time.

    In addition, your book has given us great validation that it’s the “stuff” in life that drags one down and causes us to lose our soul. Your book not only confirms that Costa Rica is everything we thought it could (and is “not”), but also confirms that the more useless things you can get rid of in your life, the better. Health, Happiness, and Time trump wealth any day of the week.

    Thank you for an OUTSTANDING book that is exceedingly fascinating, funny, interesting and informative. I’m only about 3/4 of the way through it, but I am sure I will finish it very soon!

    Thank Van Diesel (Panama trip) for be willing to share the experience as well…er ah… I mean Rob.


    • admin January 11, 2012 at 12:51 pm - Reply

      Wow, what can I even say to that. Thanks so much for purchasing the book and reaching out to me. This whole process was such a learning experience and helped me get back to what’s important in life. It’s crazy how quickly one can lose themselves in a stressful lifestyle.

      I hope the last 1/4 keeps you just as entertained, and I will give the message to Vin Diesel, I’m sure he is flexing somewhere in this house.

  3. Robert October 2, 2011 at 1:16 pm - Reply

    So, I’m thinking of moving to Costa Rica when I retire next year and so far looking at websites have only been able to find homes or condos for sale. Is there apartment living in Costa Rica? Where would be the best place to look for these? Do you have an opinion on what part of Costa Rica is the best for retiring in?

    • admin October 2, 2011 at 10:08 pm - Reply

      Yes, I’ve seen apartments but more so in the bigger cities like San Jose. I really like Grecia, it’s where I wrote the book and where I started this crazy adventure. Lots of gringos and plenty of amenities. And if you are renting in the mountains, year round temps of 70 degrees. It might be the best place to live anywhere in this country. I believe it’s a great place to start, and possibly settle.

      • Robert October 3, 2011 at 7:28 pm - Reply

        Thanks for the info, very much appreciated. I will continue to read your blog…very entertaining. Happy Adventures to you.

  4. Lessa October 2, 2011 at 11:45 am - Reply

    I live in England and would love to move somewhere like this in 10-15 years after I have hopefully made my money, or better still my web business will take off and, as I can run it from anywhere it will let me work from there! Your blog is an inspiration.

    When I get there, at least I will know I can drink the water!

    • admin October 2, 2011 at 10:05 pm - Reply

      I would love to visit England! I’m thinking about a trip there next year.

      I’m sure you would really like it here and it would be great if you had a job that just required an internet connection. I think if you keep the dream and plan accordingly, you will get there and have the life you always dreamed of.

      Thanks for reading the blog. And yes…you can drink the water once you get here!

      • lassa November 26, 2011 at 9:34 pm - Reply

        I hope you like it here, I will definitly keep the dream alive!

        • admin November 27, 2011 at 1:46 pm - Reply

          Absolutey love it here, such a great move. I was so nervous at the beginning, but I can’t imagine living any other way. I truly found a life that fits.

  5. Annamarie September 29, 2011 at 10:21 pm - Reply

    I must say, I am extremely jealous of you being able to just get up and go. My fiance and I dream of picking up and moving to Puerto Rico. However we are hoping to make out honeymoon destination Costa Rica and that just might make us change our mind about Puerto Rico! I have read your entire blog today and I just love it! Great work and keep it up! I have already sent the link to so many friends telling them this will be us in a few years! Hah!! Keep on livin the dream!

    • admin October 2, 2011 at 9:16 am - Reply

      I hope you choice Costa Rica. I know you will love it here. And who knows, maybe this will be your life in a couple years!!

  6. JW Holmes September 28, 2011 at 2:55 pm - Reply

    Had a buddy get sick from eating a salad washed in water down there one time. lol Wasn’t fun for him! 🙁

    • admin September 29, 2011 at 9:31 pm - Reply

      I rarely eat the lettuce here because of a some type of bug that sticks to it. Maybe he got sick from the actual lettuce? Now I only eat cabbage salads, but dream of one day rolling around in lettuce and tossing it into the air with wild abandon.

  7. Carla September 27, 2011 at 9:16 pm - Reply

    Hey, what’s wrong with moonshine…? 😉

    Glad to know that the tap water in Costa Rica is generally ok – because I will make it there someday! I’ve been to a couple of countries where I was told not to even brush my teeth with the tap water… I did it to be safe, but I had a hard time remembering to do it. It also showed me how much water I actually use to brush my teeth.

    And you’ve just inspired me to get rid of some stuff. Excuse me, I’m going to go clean out a drawer or something…

    • admin September 29, 2011 at 9:27 pm - Reply

      We were invited over a neighbors house and he poured us an orange drink out of a plastic bottle. I thought it was orange Fanta, turned out it was some weird moonshine he made in his bathtub. I thought for sure it was the beginning to a real bad hill-billy horror movie…something along the lines of Deliverance.

  8. Kathy September 25, 2011 at 7:06 pm - Reply

    Just finished your book on a plane and actually shook in my seat with contained laughter – I love your observations and writing style!

    • admin September 25, 2011 at 9:11 pm - Reply

      Thanks so much Kathy!!

  9. Brett September 25, 2011 at 12:44 am - Reply

    Love your blog. I found it from CNN and read from start to present. When I was in the service we were patrolling through a village in Thailand when a local came out and offered a cold glass of water. No one was willing to try, but it was freaking hot that day and I said “what the hell”. Man that was some good water and unbelievably I did not get sick.
    I was 20 yrs old at the time…now, as I have gained wisdom with age, I think I would probably pass ☺.

    • admin September 25, 2011 at 9:00 pm - Reply

      Yes, drinking water in a foreign country always makes you think twice. You just don’t want to spend the next 5 days cramped up in the fetal position. Especially if you booked a zip line tour you’ve been bragging to all your coworkers you are going on.

  10. Sandra September 24, 2011 at 12:27 am - Reply

    Happy Friday! (at least it’s still Friday in San Francisco-smile). Nadine, I have a question–how did you start your blog? I have a dear friend, Lenny Scinto and he is interested in starting a blog. He is on Facebook and he posts each day his commute experience to/from work in Atlanta and he is a riot–just like you. I suggested that he write a blog and he asked me “how to start said blog?” I told him about you and he may be sending you an email inquiring. I hope you don’t mind? Thanks.

    I read your novel and I am telling everyone I know to go out and buy a copy. Hopefully, they will listen. Take care.

    • admin September 24, 2011 at 9:20 am - Reply

      Hi Sandra. Thanks for reading my book and spreading the word. Starting a blog is really easy. I use wordpress program. You can host one for free, and your domain name would look like this http://www.sandra.wordress,com

      I preferred to pay to have my wordpress program hosted to a site so my url would not have the at the end. Also, I can to download more bells and whistles for the page. But with that being said, some of the most poplular blogs I follow are either free wordpress or blogger sites. I’ve since learned content is king, if it’s entertaining, people will come back.

      So I would check out, buy a book for a novice with the basic information to get it up and running, and go for it. It’s exactly that type of writing your friend does that I love, making fun of the mundane stuff in life. I’m sure he will find an audience.

  11. Janie September 23, 2011 at 10:34 am - Reply

    The only place we’ve been in Costa Rica where we were actually told not to drink tap water was Puerto Viejo. I have no idea why, but the owners (locals) of the place we stayed had bottled water for us and told us to only drink that. At our home in Santo Domingo we drink water straight out of the tap. It tastes much better than any water I’ve drunk in the states.

    • admin September 23, 2011 at 10:45 pm - Reply

      I’ve heard the same thing too. Always be more careful at the beach. That’s why we are using the reverse osmosis system, just trying to keep our time here as healthy as possible.

      • Victoria September 26, 2011 at 12:06 pm - Reply

        Hi, I LOVE your book.. I am laughing out loud every 2 or 3 minutes.
        My husband and I bought a beach house in Zancudo in 2010, and we are about the same age as you guys.

        We would live there 1/2 the year, but my husband’s career isn’t etablished yet , so he can’t totally work from home, and since the big purchase I can’t quit my job just yet, plus I have a daughter in school and Zancudo is not anywhere near a city… down by Golfito.

        • admin September 27, 2011 at 9:56 am - Reply

          Good for you, one of the prettiest areas in the country. I would recommend everyone to visit.

          Thanks for purchasing the book as well!

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