Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: 1 Cucumber-55 cents

Photography is an interesting hobby that I never quite understood. I enjoyed taking pictures at memorable moments: a birthday, vacation, or wedding. However, I could never imagine carrying a tripod and taking thirty minutes to set up a shot.

It’s not uncommon to see people strolling around with a big, multi-thousand dollar camera tethered to their neck.  It looks heavy and cumbersome, and I watch as they reach around into their backpack and change lenses with the delicacy one would use to pass an infant into a father’s arms.  Who are these people and why would they choose a hobby that requires so much of an investment? And doesn’t it interfere with living in the present moment if one is constantly viewing their surroundings through a wide angle lens?

But if this were all true, how come the photographers I meet are really happy people? They are always eager to share what picture they just took, whether it’s a drop of dew on an orchid or a shot of the elusive Quetzal while hiking through the forest. The joy on their faces rival any Super Bowl victory and it’s now that I realize they are living more in the present moment than I am.

With these people in mind, I start to look at my incredible surroundings through different eyes. Instead of just taking pictures of sunsets and landscapes, I begin to concentrate on the smaller things.  I put a hold on the monkeys and ocean-view shots and investigate what is in my own backyard. Often, it’s the small things that get overlooked when your life moves too quickly. So I begin to slow down and literally gaze at what is right in front of me.

What I find are glorious metallic-colored bugs feasting on leaves, and flowers growing strait out of gravel. I watch a wasp drink from a water drop on a leaf and find an iguana hiding in a rock crevice. I never thought of taking these pictures because—like most consumers—bigger is always better. And  I believed what I should consume with my eyes should be as big as a 180 degree view. It’s a foolish way of thinking, and I would have missed out on a big piece of Costa Rica if I followed that path.

Looking through a lens helps to frame life differently. It naturally develops a pleasant attitude, and now I understand why the photographers I meet are always in good spirits. They know this world has something great to show them, all they have to do is a little detective work to discover it.

It’s not necessary to have an expensive camera to do this. It’s not even important to have a camera at all. Children can watch a line of marching ants for hours; they notice everything about the ants, their little legs and the piles of displaced dirt they make.  It’s ironic that as we grow older, we lose the things that kept us the most interested, replacing them with the bigger things in life. Since moving here, I felt I had given all that up and was already appreciating a simpler existence. But now I see there is still so much to learn, and living in the present moment is a continuous path of introspection.

Next time you see a photographer, ask if they took any great shots that day.  They’ll be happy to show you a few and it might inspire you to take a closer look at the smaller things. And you never know, you may find a slightly agitated iguana peaking right back at you.

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:33-04:00 February 15th, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |15 Comments

About the Author:

Nadine is the author of the best-selling series, Happier Than A Billionaire. Join her as she navigates living as an expat in the sometimes confusing, always beautiful, country of Costa Rica.


  1. Nadine Kramer-Mathews May 2, 2012 at 3:39 am - Reply

    Hi Nadine
    Do you like our name? I am a former NYer who lives in San Diego just returned from a week in Costa Rica just finished your book (and I’m a photographer!)
    I loved your book and was sorry when it ended.
    You’ve made me consider retiring there. This American corporate run way of life drains your soul.
    Thanks for your humor and insite.

    Artfully yours

    • admin May 5, 2012 at 6:03 pm - Reply

      I think you may have the most beautiful name in all the world Nadine. Thanks so much for purchasing my book and reading about my experiences. I love living here and writing about it. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. But at least it’s something!

  2. Brett February 21, 2012 at 12:32 am - Reply

    Love the post, how true it is. I love to take pictures but I also do not have the time, patience, (or money for all that equipment). I have a compact camera and I love to point and shoot. Just like I could not tell the difference from a $100 dollar bottle of wine from 2 buck Chuck, I could not tell a picture I would take from my camera or a thousand dollar camera. I believe we should live in the moment and record it the best we can.

    • admin February 22, 2012 at 5:11 pm - Reply

      Absolutely. So many of our best pictures came from a used Kodak we bought off ebay for $50. I’ve learned you have to have patience with photography, and a better camera can’t give you that!

  3. Shai February 18, 2012 at 10:57 am - Reply

    You’ve just beautifully illustrated mindfulness.

    I’ve come to this realization recently as well. Thank you – for the book and the blog.

    • admin February 19, 2012 at 8:48 pm - Reply

      Thanks Shai. It seems I keep learning more things the longer I live here.

  4. Tom Duffy February 17, 2012 at 12:52 pm - Reply

    Even on a cold, winter’s day a photographer can find beauty all around us.
    [kaltura-widget entryid=”1_8i1mk9d5″ size=”comments” /]

    • admin February 19, 2012 at 8:47 pm - Reply

      You are absolutely right Tom. I’m looking at everything now, no matter how small or insignificant.

  5. Ariel Matias February 17, 2012 at 12:24 pm - Reply

    I am one of your ever growing readers. I really enjoy reading your blogs and it makes me connect with my everyday life here in CR.

    Keep them coming!

    Best Regards,

    Ariel Matias

    • admin February 19, 2012 at 8:45 pm - Reply

      Thanks for the kind words Ariel, I love sharing my experiences and so glad you found my blog.

  6. Ron and Phyllis Mack February 17, 2012 at 8:50 am - Reply

    I sure would like to buy one of your books before we head back to Canada. As I wrote before, we ar staying in Surfeside, by Pertrero and our phone number is 2654-5908.
    Is there a chance that we could meet? I enjoy you Blog and especially since my main hobby is photography. Best regards, Ron & Phyllis Mack

  7. Ann Gaboriault February 17, 2012 at 8:38 am - Reply

    Nice blog Nadine! I’ve enjoyed taking pictures for years and have in recent months decided it’s time for a career change from hairdressing. Something more mobile that I can do whenever I want and not be on a schedule as I’ve been for the last 28 years. So deciding on photography was my “duh” moment , like ” Why didn’t I think of that sooner?!?!” You really do start seeing things differently…. Last fall at camp I took pictures of mushrooms up close. Now, I’ve been going to camp for 40 yrs and never noticed all the different kinds of them popping up literally overnight….what a blast! I have the digital camera with all the bells and whistles but still use my smaller compact one sometimes and even my iPhone takes amazing pics too! Glad that you’re enjoying your surroundings with new eyes, it’s so much fun!

    • admin February 19, 2012 at 8:44 pm - Reply

      I am experiencing things differently now that I’m looking closely. I’m so glad I picked up the camera, had some patience, and looked around. How much I would have missed!

  8. Lary Marin February 16, 2012 at 9:53 am - Reply

    I had not only read your book but also every single word that you have posted online.
    So I have gasped with astonishment and laughed until I split my pants but this article is one of your best. You do a great job and you keep alive my dream of escaping the dull gray NE for sunny CR

    • admin February 19, 2012 at 8:40 pm - Reply

      Thanks so much. I’m happy to keep your dream alive!!

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