Secrets of Costa Rica Weather

Tamarindo Costa Rica Vacation

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: 2015 Marchamo on a 15 year old SUV (yearly Car registration and insurance combined)—$220

It’s six in the morning and I’m watching a flock of parrots land in one of the many almond trees outside my house. They disappear behind thick leaves, squawking their way through the branches.

I just moved into our new rental: one rich with dense landscaping and vegetation. Even though it’s only ten minutes from our previous home, it’s remarkably cooler. The almond trees battle back the sun’s rays allowing only a few to pass onto my terrace. When I open all the sliding glass doors, a breeze sweeps through the house carrying the smell of tropical flowers and fruit trees into my living room.

Costa Rica FlowerThis brings me to Costa Rica weather which can vary greatly. You can experience an extreme example of this when driving up into the mountains. The temperature can drop as much as thirty degrees the higher you go. Trees begin to change as well: palms turn into evergreens, tropical flowers turn into thick shrubs. When my husband and I lived in Grecia, we frequently went on scooter rides to the tippy-tip of the mountain just to see the different plants.

You can easily enjoy moderate temperatures at higher elevations in places such as Grecia, San Ramon, Naranjo, and Sarchi. 75 degrees is the magic number, a temperature that makes your joints jump for joy. Cracking knees are lubricated again, achy neck pain starts to disappear. This explains why so many retirees relocate there, anticipating a life with less arthritic pain. It also makes for great sleeping weather.

Costa Rica Weather: Mountains

When writing Happier Than A Billionaire: The Costa Rica Escape Manualit was important to include many different places one can live in Costa Rica. Each is unique with its own microclimate and different types of animals. For example, when we lived in Grecia our home backed up to a national forest. My husband insisted that we had a strange animal living in our backyard. Since I’m one who appreciates wildlife and never wants to intrude on their environment, I chased the critter for months—stalking it like paparazzi—to eventually uncover that it was a squirrel without a tail. In years to come, future generations will ponder why the fruitcase in Costa Rica took one thousand pictures of a moderately misshapen squirrel.Tail-less Squirrel Costa Rica

Although Grecia had moderate temperatures and cockeyed animals, it also brought a ton of rain during the green season (May through November). If you are looking to avoid this, then your best bet is to head over to Guanacaste.


Costa Rica Weather: Guanacaste

Costa Rica Hammock

Guanacaste is the driest part of the country. The good news is that there are rarely mudslides or disasters caused by extreme rain, the bad news is that with less rain comes drought-like conditions.

But heavens it is beautiful here. Beaches lure you to paddle out and snorkel in hidden coves, and the sound of the surf will entice you to rock in a hammock for the better half of a day. You’ll rarely see anyone wear a watch since time is just a suggestion: rarely cared about, positively unenforceable in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica Weather: The Caribbean

Caribbean Life in Costa RicaIf humidity doesn’t bother you, check out the Caribbean side of the country. Its turquoise water makes it a dream for the right expat. Without huge hotels, this side of the country feels like one big jungle. It gets much more rain than Guanacaste, but the sound of it passing through the canopy of the rainforest could be the most potent antidote for stress. It’s impossible not to fall into a blissful catatonic state during these midday showers. Everything in life feels a little sweeter after you visit the Caribbean coast.

Costa Rica Weather: Arenal

Arenal is an interesting place in regards to weather. You can have incredible storms lasting for weeks. Roads wash away and people begin to wonder if they should build an ark. Then a moment later the rain stops and you’ll have weeks of sunshine. This starts to makes sense once you’ve visited Arenal Volcano. It’s the boss of this territory: a presence so majestic it seems fitting that this area has two extreme weather patterns.

Arenal VolcanoYou can’t help but feel as if this volcano and its energy controls everything in the sky, much like Zeus did while standing on top of Mount Olympus. When lightening crashes to the ground and thunder erupts overhead, it’s almost as if the volcano is punishing the area. But just as quickly as these storms begin the rains stops, blue skies emerge, and a rainbow appears across the lake. Arenal can be kind as frequently as it can be cruel. It’s all worth it once you start exploring the amazing ecosystem that surrounds the volcano. There is nothing like it in the world and it’s fun to get a glimpse of what this planet looked like millions of years ago.


So where does this leave you when considering moving to Costa Rica? It’s difficult to pick an area when each provides something different. As I wrote the road trip chapters in The Costa Rica Escape Manual, it made me want to explore even more places. From Dominical to the Osa Peninsula, each new town and each change in temperature felt like a new adventure.

Costa Rica Amond TreeSearching for your perfect weather is just half of the fun. The quest will likely take you up a mountain and down to the shore. The other half of the journey will be the people you meet living high on a ridge in Grecia or in a beach house surrounded by almond trees.

There is happiness at every temperature, especially if it includes a cross-breeze.






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By | 2018-04-15T18:19:18-04:00 December 19th, 2014|Categories: Nature|Tags: , , , , |13 Comments

About the Author:

Nadine is the author of the best-selling series, Happier Than A Billionaire. Join her as she navigates living as an expat in the sometimes confusing, always beautiful, country of Costa Rica.


  1. fromgringototico September 24, 2016 at 6:59 am - Reply

    ..and then there is the southern zone, the Ballena Coast..where the mountains meet the sea! Jungle, rain, amazing beaches..nature all around you! Less touristy, no large hotels, basically the “cottage country ” of Costa Rica.

  2. Fred Jackson May 2, 2015 at 9:14 am - Reply

    I like your blog about the weather. I explored several parts of Costa RIca before buying property to build my retirement house just outside of Tronadora, up on the side of a mountain looking out over Lake Arenal. Love the weather there most of the year, although don’t know yet how I’m gonna take the deepest part of the green season. I found the cooler and less humid weather up around Lake Arenal’s western end is just ideal for me. I love the beauty and the international flavor of the Dominical area, but the heat and humidity are tough to take. And, Guanacaste’s dry brown and warm weather is just a little tough, too. (Too much like Southern California where I live!) So, your suggestion to explore thoroughly before deciding where you want to live and buy property is a great one. Just what I’d expect from a Billionaire!

    • Nadine Hays Pisani May 4, 2015 at 12:16 pm - Reply

      Hi Fred, thanks for the comment. I LOVE Tronadora, I actually wrote about it in The Escape Manual! What a lovely town, and I saw so many birds. It was like the Garden of Eden over there!

  3. Stuart Swihart January 29, 2015 at 7:59 pm - Reply

    How do you buy land in Costa Rica. I’m very interested in buying land

    • Nadine Hays Pisani January 30, 2015 at 8:48 am - Reply

      Hi! My third book, Happier Than A Billionaire: The Escape Manual, goes into great depth about buying property and building. You’ll need a good lawyer, other than that, not much different than other places. I am building in the Mar Vista development because they have the best water rights (I go into that in my book). THis is HUGE especially if you are living near the beach. If you would like to talk further, you can email me at puravida (at) happierthanabillionaire ( d0t ) com

  4. Mary Lou December 22, 2014 at 1:26 pm - Reply

    I’m really looking forward to that next book (or series of books) on building a home in Costa Rica. You have already acclimated to the less hectic pace, but we all know that even in a faster paced environment like Canada or the US, a building project is ALWAYS longer than projected. But much fun, all the same. Best of luck and Happy 2015!

    • Nadine Hays Pisani January 2, 2015 at 7:36 pm - Reply

      Thanks Mary Lou. I’m trying to take it step by step, which in Tico Time is a little difficult. But I know it will all work out!

  5. Matt Houde December 22, 2014 at 12:51 pm - Reply

    Nadine, great info on the different weather we have here in Costa Rica. We can definitely relate to the drastic changes you mention near Lake Arenal. We lived on the lake at two different times of the year (a month each time) and it was completely beautiful the first time and rainy every single day the second time, just one town over. Just goes to show you that you have to stay somewhere for a while to really know what to expect. Sounds like you’ve got it figured out in Guanacaste and that almond tree outside your new place will be a life saver in the dry season, enjoy it!

    • Nadine Hays Pisani January 2, 2015 at 7:35 pm - Reply

      Maybe we should write a book about Costa Rica weather. Dry… rain… drought… more rain… The end

  6. Bobby December 19, 2014 at 6:59 pm - Reply

    I love the mountains but love the beach as well. Tough choice!

  7. Rachel December 19, 2014 at 11:49 am - Reply

    I just reread your first 2 books which I love. I’m wondering what the story is with building on your lot. Did you ever get the water letter?

    • Nadine Hays Pisani December 19, 2014 at 3:11 pm - Reply

      I don’t want to ruin it since it was the ending of my third book, The Escape Manual. But things are looking up and it seems like I’m going to have a very busy year ahead of me!

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