Many of you have been here since the beginning of my blog. There weren’t many written about Costa Rica back then, so I chronicled my journey. I didn’t think anyone was reading. But somehow, people found me. And what a wild ride it took me on.
There were no smartphones or GPS when we moved, and in retrospect, it made the adventure more spectacular. Everything felt raw and foreign, with nothing connecting me to the culture I left behind in the States. It was exactly what Rob and I were looking for.
That decision to throw caution to the wind gave me everything: a writing career, a wonderful group of friends, and all of you, who have written me over the years and shared your adventure with me. I’ve saved every single email. Even the nasty ones. Some of those I wrote about in Happier Than A Billionaire: The Sequel. It’s amazing how many people you can annoy by simply being you.
While we are still working on the water issue with our property in Costa Rica, we moved to North Carolina and bought a house in the woods. “It’s the Bates Motel,” I told Rob. But he assured me we could be happy here. “How bad can it be?” he said. It’s been one of the most ridiculous decisions we ever made, and that’s coming from someone who picked up at 37 and moved to Central America.
So, I decided to duck out of society and hide out in the woods. Be one of those writers who takes long, contemplative walks while mumbling to themselves. If you’re looking for a quiet place, living in the woods is worth it. If you think you’ll go crazy, then you probably will. But I know one thing for certain: if you are a writer, artist, or someone who wants to finish a project, this is the place for you. Solitude is underrated in an increasingly loud world. A quiet environment may be exactly what you’re searching for.
Thank you to those who purchased A House in the Woods. My husband never read my first book and had no clue I wrote about all the stupid things he did. Remarkably, he didn’t read this one either. Eventually, someone will send him a message on Facebook or Instagram and ask if he really stood on the roof trying to harpoon a dead raccoon from our vent pipe. And that’s when he’ll turn to me and ask, “For heaven’s sake, what did you write about me?”
I’ll have to fess up. But until then, I’m keeping quiet.
**A House in the Woods is available on AMAZON, KOBO, and iBooks
We put our house im Coco, up for sale. It’s been 5 years, and your first book was so helpful in our transition from the USA. I’m a bit anxious of returning to USA with the political upheaval but time to return.
Bought your new book as soon as I got the email announcement 🙂 Really enjoying it, and I hope there will be more stories coming from The Bates Motel.
Hi Nadine. I bought your new book, “A House in the Woods” and I’m excited to start reading it this weekend while I have the house to myself. I love your writing style and have shared you blog with my sister as well. Wishing you all the best in life. Have an adventurous day!
Dear Nadine, it has been a bit since I have written to you but sincerely want to thank you for all the happiness and inspiration to continue to share. It was 8 years ago 4 of us rented “The Happier House” and experienced Costa Rica for the first time! It was by far one of the best experiences of my life!! Lots has changed in our lives since then, but that memory will always be steadfast and precious. You and Rob were the BEST hosts ever and I feel blessed we were able to experience your little slice of Heaven while you were there! Thanks for those memories as well as all the new ones you continue to share. Looks like you are VERY happy in your new Happy Place! I am leaving for Cabo on Saturday and downloading your new book to read on my travels. Much love, keep on sharing your sunshine and I hope our paths cross again someday. Barbie XO 🙂