By | 2018-04-15T18:19:34-04:00 January 7th, 2012|Categories: Car|Tags: , |

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Price to fix the cheap alternator I bragged about on another post-to be determined

We are bringing in the car today. Since we had the alternator repaired, it makes a “weeeeeeee” sound everywhere we go. I don’t particularly want to get it fixed since it is a rather pleasant way to drive around. I feel like sticking my head out of the window it makes me so happy.

But alas, the man in the house says this is no good…we will break down. I think he is embarrassed by the sound, if it went “clank clank” or something equally as manly, we would probably be driving it around for the next 10 months.

This trip, I will insist on going to the mechanic in the daylight—you never know when a bay pit will sneak up on you. (If you are reading this my dear husband, I will be bringing that up for a long…long time. Wives have an incredible memory for the dopey things their husbands do.)


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:35-04:00 November 20th, 2011|Categories: Car|Tags: , , |

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Rebuilt alternator, new belt, fixed scooter tire, and a sharpened machete to sweeten the deal- $120

Our alternator on our car is shot, as is a tire on our scooter.  This has caused a great deal of stress with my husband. “What am I going to do if something were to happen to you, if you fell or hurt yourself? You have quite the history of being clumsy.  I have to make sure that we have some transportation, it’s my responsibility to take care of you.”

The next day his friend picks him up and they take the scooter and SUV to the mechanic. When they return the garage is closed for the night, but Rob insists on driving the scooter out of the shop. He blindly walks through the pitch dark garage, through an area cluttered with vehicles and parts, and then Rob—the man who needs to rescue his clumsy wife from the impending emergency that will surely befall her—walks right into an empty bay pit.

I am now playing nurse to Rob’s swollen leg.

“See that sweetie, I’m glad if anything happens to you, I can get help,” Rob says as I bring him two ibuprofens, fresh pillows, ice, the remote control, and a grilled cheese sandwich.

Yes Rob, it’s a good thing I have you looking out for me.



By | 2018-04-15T18:19:37-04:00 September 7th, 2011|Categories: Car|Tags: , |
Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: Private English Speaking School-$350/month

Roads are a big topic of conversation among us expats. It’s funny living in a place where  friends inform one another when a highway is closed due to mudslides. Needless to say, these roads are not only rough on your travel plans but on your car as well.

If you live on one of these car-busting/mudslinging routes, you may anticipate a prolonged period of silence at the other end of the line when you invite someone for dinner. (more…)


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:39-04:00 July 11th, 2011|Categories: Car|Tags: , |

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: An entire roasted chicken from supermarket-$6.50

Someone stole my front license plate. Not the biggest deal but I know I will eventually get pulled over by the coppers. I know this because I’ve been pulled over by the coppers quite a few times.

Once we were stopped because my husband was not wearing his seat belt. As the officer was writing the ticket, a car came towards us in the other lane and we noticed a baby propped up on the dashboard licking the windshield.  The policeman smiled, waved them through, and handed us our ticket.

I am not an expert  in this field but I feel confident that a baby eating bugs off a windshield is worthy of a few driving violations. But who am I to criticize? I’m from a generation that never wore seat belts. Without these restraints, my sister and I got to enjoy those thrilling airborne moments after my dad slammed on the breaks; consequently,  enjoying those thrilling, crashing moments once we smacked into the vinyl bench seat. It’s amazing I still  have front teeth.

Anyway, this guy doesn’t seem too worried about getting a ticket. So I won’t be too worried about my license plate.


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:56-04:00 February 14th, 2011|Categories: Car|Tags: |

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: Scooter repairs-$60 for new brake pads, new gas filter, oil change, new ignition switch, taking apart and cleaning air filter

The back brakes on our scooter needed to be replaced, but in the mean time Rob resorted in only using the front brakes. This caused us to randomly skid out Evel Knievel style, and although it looked cool when Evel performed those stunts, it’s laughable when two gringos do it on a 125cc  scooter. The problem was we had a hard time finding anyone to do the work.  It looks like scooters aren’t in big demand for repairs. (more…)

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