By | 2018-04-15T18:19:21-04:00 July 23rd, 2014|Categories: Cost of Living, Nature, Tourism|Tags: , , , |

Poas Volcano Costa Rica

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: 1 Medium to Large Zucchini— $1.00

Rob and I just got back from a ridiculously fun road trip. We traveled the country taking pictures, and meeting interesting people. Every year we try to rent a house for a month and explore a different part of the country. But this trip was different. So many of you have reached out offering to share your homes, farms, or resorts with us. It made this journey even more special.

Traveling with Rob is always an adventure, even if it’s just to the grocery store. One of the things that make me crazy is that he will bring a cup of hot coffee with him into the car. Not a travel mug, but a Winnie-the-Pooh cup. Folks, if you’ve never had the luxury of driving on a Costa Rican dirt road, imagine your brain as a maraca. Then take that maraca and toss it off a cliff. It’s not the type of thoroughfare you want when your driver is balancing a hot cup of coffee on his lap.

Inevitably, we hit the first bump and Rob’s coffee flies out of his mug, ricochets off the dashboard, and into my lap. This leaves me in a superb mood and I can’t wait for my “I’m not talking to you” silence to begin. Giving long periods of quiet resentment is a superpower I have perfected over the years. Remarkably, this power has no effect on my husband.



By | 2018-04-15T18:19:24-04:00 November 27th, 2013|Categories: Cost of Living, food|Tags: , , |

Costa Rica Thanksgiving Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: Hamilton Beach Deluxe Toaster Oven— $170

My oven is not working. In fact, I think it might have exploded. Rob turned it on and heard a loud bang. This isn’t uncommon: most of my appliances expire with this type of fanfare. They never just stop functioning but instead go out like a Chinese New Year.

But I shouldn’t worry. A repairman came to our house and ordered the correct part. He said it would arrive in a week. That was four months ago. Perhaps I should have asked what week he had in mind. A week in mid-December? Maybe the week the next Explorer lands on Mars? These pressing questions always slip my mind.

So I gave in and splurged for a super duper Hamilton Beach toaster oven. “Horno de Mostrador!” it states on the box. How can I resist an appliance with that kind of advertising? “Maxima versatilidad,” it promises. I have to agree, when it comes to choosing a toaster oven, maximum versatility is prominent in one’s expectations. To think, I would have settled for it to just cook things.

It even includes a rotisserie. That part got shoved in the back of my cabinet… who am I kidding.

I’m happy to say that I’ll have a warm meal this holiday, and I wish a warm Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. It doesn’t matter what we eat, as long as we enjoy the people we are eating it with. And I’ll be enjoying mine with my husband and a bunch of howler monkeys, and doing it all with maximum versatility.


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:25-04:00 September 19th, 2013|Categories: Cost of Living, food|Tags: , |

Costa Rica Fruit

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Produce Bill for the Week—$18

When not smashing his scooter or getting stitches, my husband joins me grocery shopping. This is our score for the week: eighteen dollars’ worth of fresh produce.

It’s easy to see that the food in Costa Rica is affordable if you choose healthier options. You’re going to pay a lot more if you buy Trix Cereal, Doritos, or any other imported American products. I love that I’m enjoying a healthy lifestyle while sticking to my budget.

And you’ll save even more money by loading it all on your fuel efficient scooter. That’s if you don’t factor in the medical bills after your husband smashes it—and his hand—into a ditch. But even that was a bargain.


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:25-04:00 August 9th, 2013|Categories: Cost of Living|Tags: , , |

Costa Rica Healthcare

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: 9 Stitches $80. Tetanus Shot $35. No wait time… priceless

It’s not every day your husband flies over his scooter after picking up a stool sample kit. Please, let me explain. Yesterday morning, Rob left to pick up a stool sample kit from the pharmacy to help access why I have been having stomach trouble for the past few weeks.

About an hour after he left, I hear yelling at our front gate.


“Hmm… Is someone outside calling my name? That’s peculiar,” I thought to myself before peering out the window. (more…)


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:26-04:00 May 22nd, 2013|Categories: Cost of Living|Tags: , , |

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: A day out kayaking and snorkeling— $0

It’s official… our bargain kayaks can float. We took our maiden voyage off Playa Conchal with our friends Ian and Sandy swimming behind. They knew exactly how to find a spectacular reef located right offshore.

I kayaked while Rob snorkeled around the coral, diving down like a seal. All at once he came up hollering, “An octopus just tried to ink me!”

We eventually headed back and stopped off at Sandy’s house. She cooked us omelets while we watched our GoPro camera footage.  It recorded my husband laughing, a sound that I can listen to over and over again. I love seeing Rob happy. His laughter levitates me and keeps me afloat, much like my second-hand kayak.

Once home, I couldn’t stop repeating how easy this excursion turned out to be. And my husband couldn’t stop pointing out how I didn’t help him load either of the kayaks into the back of our car.  Or go with him to buy them in the first place. Or hose the salty water off them that night.

He could be right about that, I don’t recall any dirty work or heavy lifting. That part is all a blur. But what isn’t a blur is the memory of that special afternoon out with my friends, where I watched my husband dive down to discover an octopus at the bottom of the ocean.

Sometimes a bargain turns out to be more valuable than you think. Where some might see a rickety, old kayak, I see years of good times and fun adventures with my friends.

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