By | 2018-04-15T18:19:37-04:00 August 15th, 2011|Categories: Cost of Living, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Hernia surgery-$0

On the day of admissions, we reported to an office and filled out paperwork. It lasted no more than 10 minutes. I was not sure if it was fast because that was the actual process or because we couldn’t understand anything.

We were directed to the emergency ward where Rob was instructed to go into a utility closet and change into a pair of scrubs. He walked out wearing an ill-fitting ensamble with numbers stamped across his chest. The pants were too short and the top didn’t even cover his navel. My husband looked less like a surgical patient but more like a gay prison inmate. (more…)


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:39-04:00 July 15th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: Happier Than A Billionaire, $2.99 on Kindle and $12.99 in Paperback

The paperback version of my book is out today.  I woke up anxious to share the news when I heard a loud crash. A tree had fallen, wrapped itself with the telephone wire and blocked the road right outside my driveway. Our internet was still working but I knew I had only minutes to share some good news.

I rushed to the sink to make a cup of coffee and realized there was no water. Wait? No morning coffee? This was serious. I dashed to the window just to reaffirm frogs and pestilence were not loitering on my terrace.  Surely, judgement day had come.

With the threat of boils and lice dropping in by midday, I announced my paperback to the world via Facebook. I then went through a caffeine withdrawal which looked a lot like the shower scene in Silkwood.

When I logged back onto Amazon, I was happy to see I was number one in my category. Surprisingly, I also made number 45 in the Occult division. (Calm down mom, I haven’t spray painted any pentagrams on my wall. It is a rental you know.)  (more…)


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:55-04:00 April 18th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

It’s not a happy day. My beloved cat, Pumpkin, passed away.

I brought him with us from the states, stashed under the airplane seat on that long 5 hour flight. It helped having him with me. Those stressful moments in a new country was softened by his furry persistence in catching every lizard that ran across the lawn. Life to him was simple at a time when my life was complicated.

I will miss his early morning meows and his soft belly that warmed my lap while I wrote this blog. We all anticipate there will be more time to follow our dreams, as if we can deposit those precious moments and withdraw them when we are ready.

I’m glad I didn’t wait and gave him the opportunity to catch butterflies on a mountaintop.

That’s how I will remember him.


By | 2018-04-15T18:20:03-04:00 October 18th, 2010|Categories: Tourism, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update:                   Rent for 2 bedroom 2 bath house on 2 acres with a view in a 500 acre reserve including several waterfalls- $450/month

Costa Rica is a country well known for its unique wildlife.  One great place to visit is a sloth sanctuary where abandoned and injured sloths are nursed back to health.  This is a perfect place to visit while driving south along the Caribbean highway. It is run by a husband and wife; two great people making a difference.

Change Pace at the Sloth Sanctuary of C.R. / Travel / Weekend / Costa Rica Newspaper, The Tico Times.


By | 2018-04-15T18:20:03-04:00 October 13th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

The Happy Planet Index rated Costa Rica as one of the happiest places in live.  I know this is true because I’ve been living here over three years and found that my life is infinitely better than living in the United States.

Moving here was not as hard as everyone thought it would be. Costa Ricans are known for their friendliness and have shown me nothing but kindness.

This has been the best experience and there is no doubt I am happier than a billionaire.

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