By | 2018-04-15T18:19:56-04:00 March 14th, 2011|Categories: Nature|Tags: , , |

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: Two AA batteries that were dead on arrival- $1.50

“Does anyone know when high tide is?” I ask as we walk across a dry riverbed.
“Maybe dinner time…I’m really not sure,” my girlfriend says. This is bad. We are hiking into the jungle, on a little worn path, and no one knows when high tide is. It can rise up quickly, unexpectedly, and with dire consequences. Once again, I am ill prepared for what was supposed to be a fun hike into the rain forest.

My husband doesn’t say a word. He’s  great if you need your alternator changed or something heavy moved. But he is not the go-to guy for predicting when a flood is headed your way. In fact, when we first got to the park and hiked to the ranger station, all he was concerned about was asking where to buy batteries for our camera. He walked up to a woman bent over holding her stomach; she drank river water in the jungle and was at the beginning of what I suspect was a long and uncomfortable intestinal calamity. Having some guy come up and complain he has no batteries for his camera did not go over well. Let’s just say, Rob didn’t make a friend that morning. (more…)


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:56-04:00 March 8th, 2011|Categories: Tourism|Tags: , , , |

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: $100/person for trip to Corcovado National Park with some fishing thrown in

We decided to go from Puerto Jimenez to the entrance to Corcovado Park by boat.  Since the ride takes two hours to get there, my husband convinces the captain to let us and our two friends throw a few lines in the water.

Within ten minutes we catch our first fish only a few hundred feet from shore. “It’s a big jack,” says our captain. We end up catching a few more, including a rooster fish. All were thrown back except the last one; we cooked him over a fire on the beach.

It was a great way to squeeze two tours into one. And a great way to hear me scream “IT’S HUGE” at a decibel level rivaling that of a dolphin (I get very excited when I go fishing).


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:56-04:00 February 24th, 2011|Categories: Tourism|Tags: , , , , |

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update:  Hotel on the beach in  Puerto Jimenez, gateway to Corcovado National Park- $125/couple

Waking up to the sound of the waves instead of an alarm clock is refreshing.  Waking up to the throaty, squawking sounds of Scarlet Macaws is magnificent.

I am watching them from my hotel porch as they glide from almond tree to almond tree.   They tear apart the outer shell and recklessly devour the nut inside. 

Their vivid colors streak the sky with splashes of red, blue, and yellow.  It’s nature’s way of saying,  “Look at me, I’m not meant to be ignored! Don’t you wish you could look like this?”  I watch as they finish breakfast and fly off to another location.

This is how my morning begins in Puerto Jimenez.  All before my first cup of coffee. 

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