Happier Than A Billionaire in Costa Rica: 5th Anniversary, The Book, and The Journey

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:14-04:00 September 6th, 2016|Categories: Cost of Living, The Happier House|Tags: , , , , , |

Happier Than A Billionaire

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: 15 ounce Country Crock margarine — $3.33

It’s been just over five years since the official release of my book, Happier Than A Billionaire. Some things have changed, while others have stayed the same, and this may cause some confusion to many who are new to our story. This post is a short recap to clarify why we started this journey, how it has changed along the way, and where we hope it will take us.

So why did I name my first book Happier Than A Billionaire? After working seventy hours a week in order to live the American dream, we were still stressed out and miserable. We had no time for each other or anything else outside of work. We started to suspect that more stuff was not the key to finding real happiness.

Studies prove this, and it is evident by stories like those of the Tyco executive who stole his company’s cash to fund lavish parties, complete with Jimmy Buffett playing guitar and an ice sculpture of Michelangelo’s “David” urinating Stolichnaya vodka. The executive was later convicted of embezzlement and spent six years in jail, where I’m certain his urination issues did not involve vodka or ice sculptures. And our suspicions were correct. We moved to CR with a few suitcases and started living the happiest times of our lives. We were not billionaires, but happier than the ones we read about.

Happier than a Billionaire is about making the most of our resources and being grateful for everything we have. It was never our plan to be “living in a van down by the river” although we did live near a river, where Rob tested our handgun that he had just set on fire after hiding it in our fireplace. He shot into the ground, blew out our water pipes, and at that point, I’m sure our landlord would have preferred we lived in a van down by the river. (more…)


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:28-04:00 December 7th, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Happier Than A Billionaire The SequelCosta Rica Cost Of Living Update: 6 oz can of OFF— $5.65

It’s out … Happier Than A Billionaire: The Sequel is up for sale on Amazon on Kindle and as a Paperback. It is also available at Barnes & Noble and Kobo online. iBooks is still pending, but for now, you can read it on your Apple device with the Kindle App.

The Sequel covers my move to the beach and all the funny misadventures that happen along the way. I also write about my  parents and mother-in-law when they came to visit. It should make for a very interesting Christmas dinner this year…

Being a writer, and writing about myself is an intense process. But you guys make it fun for me and I appreciate all the kind words and support. Now I just have to explain to my husband that I sort of left in some things in the book that he might find embarrassing….

Like I said, the holidays should be interesting.


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:32-04:00 March 29th, 2012|Categories: Cost of Living|Tags: , , |

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: 4 brand new, Chinese engineered tires—$600

Holy Toledo! I’ve been reviewed in the March issue of The Howler Magazine (page eleven for all you inquiring minds). I can’t tell you how happy this makes me, because The Howler Magazine is one cheerful periodical.

The Howler gives you precisely the right amount of current affairs one requires while living in Costa Rica.  Who needs to know about the Republican Primaries when the best frozen daiquiris are being served at Chillerz in Tamarindo? Or that high tide is 9:08 tomorrow morning, a perfect time to get out that boogie board and get some exercise?

I remember reading an issue before I moved here and thinking,  it would be so awesome to live like this. Now I’ve been reviewed in one, next to an advertisement for Las Brasas Steak and Pasta Restaurant (closed Tuesday, reservations preferred).

I feel like I made it. I think I’ll celebrate with a frozen daiquiri. 


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:39-04:00 July 15th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: Happier Than A Billionaire, $2.99 on Kindle and $12.99 in Paperback

The paperback version of my book is out today.  I woke up anxious to share the news when I heard a loud crash. A tree had fallen, wrapped itself with the telephone wire and blocked the road right outside my driveway. Our internet was still working but I knew I had only minutes to share some good news.

I rushed to the sink to make a cup of coffee and realized there was no water. Wait? No morning coffee? This was serious. I dashed to the window just to reaffirm frogs and pestilence were not loitering on my terrace.  Surely, judgement day had come.

With the threat of boils and lice dropping in by midday, I announced my paperback to the world via Facebook. I then went through a caffeine withdrawal which looked a lot like the shower scene in Silkwood.

When I logged back onto Amazon, I was happy to see I was number one in my category. Surprisingly, I also made number 45 in the Occult division. (Calm down mom, I haven’t spray painted any pentagrams on my wall. It is a rental you know.)  (more…)

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