By | 2018-04-15T18:19:18-04:00 December 12th, 2014|Categories: Tourism|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


5 Best Guanacaste Beaches

Costa Rica Costa Of Living Update: Boogie Board—$80

Choosing your favorite beach in Costa Rica is like trying to pick which of your children you love the most. I’ve overheard heated debates on which sand is the softest, where the best snorkeling spot is located, or what surf is the easiest to boogie board without smacking your head into a rock.

Since many of you are visiting this area for the Christmas holiday—and are looking to get out of your resort and travel to different beaches—this list should help in planning your excursions. It’s best to fly into Liberia, Costa Rica since this international airport is the closest to these Guanacaste beaches. The San Jose airport is five to six hours away from this area.

I’ve compiled this “happier beach list” (my top 5 Guanacaste beaches) by using a thorough investigative team: my husband and I. We are authorities in how to waste a day away. I can sit on a beach (in the shade) for and entire day and feel like it was well spent. Give me a book and I might never come home. Rob will stare into every tide pool looking for new and interesting sea life… and he always finds something. These beach days clear my mind and help make me more appreciative of the little things. Gratitude comes easy when your toes are dipped into the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. (more…)


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:26-04:00 May 22nd, 2013|Categories: Cost of Living|Tags: , , |

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: A day out kayaking and snorkeling— $0

It’s official… our bargain kayaks can float. We took our maiden voyage off Playa Conchal with our friends Ian and Sandy swimming behind. They knew exactly how to find a spectacular reef located right offshore.

I kayaked while Rob snorkeled around the coral, diving down like a seal. All at once he came up hollering, “An octopus just tried to ink me!”

We eventually headed back and stopped off at Sandy’s house. She cooked us omelets while we watched our GoPro camera footage.  It recorded my husband laughing, a sound that I can listen to over and over again. I love seeing Rob happy. His laughter levitates me and keeps me afloat, much like my second-hand kayak.

Once home, I couldn’t stop repeating how easy this excursion turned out to be. And my husband couldn’t stop pointing out how I didn’t help him load either of the kayaks into the back of our car.  Or go with him to buy them in the first place. Or hose the salty water off them that night.

He could be right about that, I don’t recall any dirty work or heavy lifting. That part is all a blur. But what isn’t a blur is the memory of that special afternoon out with my friends, where I watched my husband dive down to discover an octopus at the bottom of the ocean.

Sometimes a bargain turns out to be more valuable than you think. Where some might see a rickety, old kayak, I see years of good times and fun adventures with my friends.

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