By | 2018-04-15T18:19:25-04:00 September 19th, 2013|Categories: Cost of Living, food|Tags: , |

Costa Rica Fruit

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Produce Bill for the Week—$18

When not smashing his scooter or getting stitches, my husband joins me grocery shopping. This is our score for the week: eighteen dollars’ worth of fresh produce.

It’s easy to see that the food in Costa Rica is affordable if you choose healthier options. You’re going to pay a lot more if you buy Trix Cereal, Doritos, or any other imported American products. I love that I’m enjoying a healthy lifestyle while sticking to my budget.

And you’ll save even more money by loading it all on your fuel efficient scooter. That’s if you don’t factor in the medical bills after your husband smashes it—and his hand—into a ditch. But even that was a bargain.


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:37-04:00 September 2nd, 2011|Categories: food|Tags: , , , |

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Aquafresh toothpaste-$2.27

There is no sugar coating it; the cost of gas is expensive everywhere. Currently, super gasoline costs a whopping $5 a gallon which makes filling our SUV a budget crunching $85. We all complain about the gas prices here so in order to save money, many gringos try to come up with different ideas to conserve gas.

For example, you will find most expats doing all their errands in one day. If you see Mrs. Cunningham at the bank, just say hello and don’t chat for too long. She is most likely on her way to get her driver’s license renewed, followed by a medical checkup, then off to pick up a friend at the airport. (more…)

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