By | 2018-04-15T18:19:56-04:00 February 14th, 2011|Categories: Car|Tags: |

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: Scooter repairs-$60 for new brake pads, new gas filter, oil change, new ignition switch, taking apart and cleaning air filter

The back brakes on our scooter needed to be replaced, but in the mean time Rob resorted in only using the front brakes. This caused us to randomly skid out Evel Knievel style, and although it looked cool when Evel performed those stunts, it’s laughable when two gringos do it on a 125cc  scooter. The problem was we had a hard time finding anyone to do the work.  It looks like scooters aren’t in big demand for repairs. (more…)


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:59-04:00 December 20th, 2010|Categories: Car, Cost of Living|Tags: |

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Limited liability insurance for scooter- $140/year

We take our scooter everywhere since it only cost $6 to fill up the tank.  It is so economical we’ve even decided to go grocery shopping with it.

Today’s list was extra long so my husband went himself.  He came back with the following: a suitcase full of fruits and vegetables, 3 dozen eggs, a gallon of milk, 2 loaves of bread, bag of kitty litter (cautiously positioned between his legs), and a variety of other items.  The only casualty was the tortillas, the empty bag dangling off the back in defeat.  But not wanting to waste money, he drove back down the mountain and found them laying near the front gate.

He claims only the bottom one got dirty.  If that’s true, why does my taco taste like asphalt?

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