Secrets of Costa Rica Weather

Tamarindo Costa Rica Vacation

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: 2015 Marchamo on a 15 year old SUV (yearly Car registration and insurance combined)—$220

It’s six in the morning and I’m watching a flock of parrots land in one of the many almond trees outside my house. They disappear behind thick leaves, squawking their way through the branches.

I just moved into our new rental: one rich with dense landscaping and vegetation. Even though it’s only ten minutes from our previous home, it’s remarkably cooler. The almond trees battle back the sun’s rays allowing only a few to pass onto my terrace. When I open all the sliding glass doors, a breeze sweeps through the house carrying the smell of tropical flowers and fruit trees into my living room.

Costa Rica FlowerThis brings me to Costa Rica weather which can vary greatly. You can experience an extreme example of this when driving up into the mountains. The temperature can drop as much as thirty degrees the higher you go. Trees begin to change as well: palms turn into evergreens, tropical flowers turn into thick shrubs. When my husband and I lived in Grecia, we frequently went on scooter rides to the tippy-tip of the mountain just to see the different plants. (more…)

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:18-04:00 December 19th, 2014|Categories: Nature|Tags: , , , , |13 Comments



5 Best Guanacaste Beaches

Costa Rica Costa Of Living Update: Boogie Board—$80

Choosing your favorite beach in Costa Rica is like trying to pick which of your children you love the most. I’ve overheard heated debates on which sand is the softest, where the best snorkeling spot is located, or what surf is the easiest to boogie board without smacking your head into a rock.

Since many of you are visiting this area for the Christmas holiday—and are looking to get out of your resort and travel to different beaches—this list should help in planning your excursions. It’s best to fly into Liberia, Costa Rica since this international airport is the closest to these Guanacaste beaches. The San Jose airport is five to six hours away from this area.

I’ve compiled this “happier beach list” (my top 5 Guanacaste beaches) by using a thorough investigative team: my husband and I. We are authorities in how to waste a day away. I can sit on a beach (in the shade) for and entire day and feel like it was well spent. Give me a book and I might never come home. Rob will stare into every tide pool looking for new and interesting sea life… and he always finds something. These beach days clear my mind and help make me more appreciative of the little things. Gratitude comes easy when your toes are dipped into the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. (more…)


Costa Rican Cost of Living Update: 12-ounce jar of Smucker’s Orange Marmalade—$4.60

We are excited to release the first episode of our cooking/adventure show Building Up an Appetite! Enjoy Mardi Gras in Costa Rica, a tour of Flamingo, and a fun night dancing to Canadian Blues legend, Donnie Walsh, at Marie’s Restaurant.

We sit down with Donnie the day after the show for an incredible interview in which he discusses how he met Dan Aykroyd and became the inspiration for the famous Blues Brothers. We follow him on his journey to where he is today, living on the beach in Costa Rica.

My friend Ewa and I prepare a delicious meal while Rob and Donnie take a fishing trip to Playa Del Coco. While waiting for them to return, I whip up a delicious mango salad with fresh fruit picked right out of Ewa’s backyard. It’s one of the things I love most about living in Costa Rica, picking fresh fruit right off the trees.

This show is dear to our hearts and we can’t thank all the people who made it possible enough. Over the course of seven years living in Costa Rica, I have encountered many incredible things. I’m elated to have this moment to share some of them with you.

Over the next thirty minutes, you will see magnificent views, epic beaches, wild monkeys, toucans, coatis, and much, much more.

Will my husband catch any red snapper or just sink the boat? Watch the show now to find out!

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By | 2018-04-15T18:19:18-04:00 November 29th, 2014|Categories: Cooking Show|Tags: , , , , , , |6 Comments



Costa Rica Sunset

Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: Entenmann’s Chocolate Fudge Cake-$9

Check out my new Gallery page located on the top menu bar. You’ll find over 500 photos Rob and I have taken of Costa Rica. There are beaches, monkeys, sunsets, and more!

I love sharing all the beautiful places I see with all of you. And I also love sharing how much an Entenmann’s chocolate cake costs.

I would have taken a picture of that too but Rob ate it all.

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:19-04:00 November 13th, 2014|Categories: Photography|Tags: |2 Comments


Playa Grande Costa Rica
Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: One Plantain— 25 cents (free if the tree is in your yard)

Our cooking show will be coming out this November on our YouTube Channel, Happier With Less !

It was not an easy endeavor, and since my husband is like a bull in a china shop, there has been an endless flow of broken camera gear and electronics.

So very excited and hope you enjoy this preview. (Jersey accents were kept to a minimum for creative purposes.)

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:19-04:00 November 7th, 2014|Categories: Cooking Show|Tags: , , |4 Comments

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