Banana SpiderCosta Rica Costa Of Living Update: Yearly Marchamo Renewal (registration and basic car insurance)— $213

Yesterday, my husband yelled for me to grab my camera and take a picture of an interesting spider he found on the bed. He was pretty cool with a long body and small stripes across his legs. I couldn’t pass it up.

“Make sure you get a picture of him running toward your face,” Rob said while picking him up with the tiny lid of an Edge Shaving Cream can. The spider’s legs were so long that they dangled over the rim. Once Rob dumped him back on our bed, I went all Anne Leibovitz and took about seventy-five shots of the arachnid. I’m surprised I didn’t stick him in a flower pot and put a daisy hat on his head. It wasn’t until he ran directly toward my mouth that I backed up and let him scurry away.

Later that day, I posted one of the pictures on Facebook where someone informed me that it’s a banana spider and he’s deadly. He can also jump up to four feet so it’s wise to stay a healthy distance away. If you want to see me spit a full mouth of coffee across my computer screen, this is about the best comment you can leave me. I wish there was a picture of the expression I gave my husband. Gentlemen, you know the face. The one your wife gives you at a dinner party when you say something dumb.

I immediately Google the spider and yes, he is deadly. But mine didn’t have the red fangs so if bitten, I wouldn’t die, but would need to be rushed to the hospital due to “extensive pain.” This is nice because I could have shared a room with my husband, who would also be suffering from “extensive pain” after his eardrums exploded from me screaming at him.

If one of us was to get bit, I suppose it’s better being me. One of the symptoms in men is profoundly painful erections. If only that was the side effect of saying dumb things at dinner parties… Rob would never open his mouth again.


By | 2018-04-15T18:19:27-04:00 January 12th, 2013|Categories: Nature|Tags: |28 Comments


Tamarindo Beach Costa Rica

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: 9-ounce bag of Sun Chips— $4.60 ( Should have bought the mangos)

A couple weeks ago, I met an incredible woman who was traveling with her daughter. After retiring from her job, Karen was looking for adventure and found it by jumping from hostel to hostel throughout Central America.

One of the best things about my journey is I get to meet people like this. Regardless of their age, they still have wanderlust in their blood and a desire to explore this planet with only a backpack and journal. This style of travel is not only for twenty-somethings folks. I’m running into more and more intrepid explorers that are trading in their Sam’s Club membership for a  one-way plane ticket.

Karen interviewed my husband and me for her website Living Without Permission. We sat on Tamarindo beach and watched the sunset while we compared our travel experiences. One of the things we both had in common was how much more sense the world becomes when you strip off the excesses in your life.  Without that filter, it’s as if your life is viewed through a very expensive camera lens … everything is in focus.

This all brings me to what my New Year’s resolution should be. Maybe it’s to meet more people like Karen. It could also be to stop buying Sun Chips. Other than that, I can’t imagine changing a thing.

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:28-04:00 January 6th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |7 Comments


Happier Than A Billionaire The SequelCosta Rica Cost Of Living Update: 6 oz can of OFF— $5.65

It’s out … Happier Than A Billionaire: The Sequel is up for sale on Amazon on Kindle and as a Paperback. It is also available at Barnes & Noble and Kobo online. iBooks is still pending, but for now, you can read it on your Apple device with the Kindle App.

The Sequel covers my move to the beach and all the funny misadventures that happen along the way. I also write about my  parents and mother-in-law when they came to visit. It should make for a very interesting Christmas dinner this year…

Being a writer, and writing about myself is an intense process. But you guys make it fun for me and I appreciate all the kind words and support. Now I just have to explain to my husband that I sort of left in some things in the book that he might find embarrassing….

Like I said, the holidays should be interesting.

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:28-04:00 December 7th, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |26 Comments


Dinner Flamingo Costa Rica

Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Thanksgiving Day Turkey—$80

Thanksgiving always brings to mind a great home cooked meal: turkey with stuffing, yams and cranberries, pumpkin pie and razzleberry dressing.

But Rob can’t find the ingredients for his mother’s Italian stuffing and yams are as elusive as a reliable internet connection in Costa Rica. The turkey? Well, let’s just say $80 is a little steep when you are trying to live on $1200/month.

So it looks like we might be eating something closer to this. Like they say… when in Rome, eat soup out of a coconut.

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:28-04:00 November 21st, 2012|Categories: Cost of Living|Tags: , |19 Comments


Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Master cylinder for the brakes—$150 parts & labor included (my car is dying a slow death guys)

There is not another picture that accurately portrays my marriage as well as this one. My husband: laughing and joyful. Me: serious and methodical.

This is the same expression I had on my face when Rob told me he wanted to sell everything and move to Costa Rica. I needed to plan things, make lists, and ensure that I would have a solution to all the uncertainties that were bound to occur.

But here’s the thing… you can’t plan for everything. It wasn’t a week into this Costa Rica adventure that I finally realized I had to let go. And letting go also meant welcoming in all the wonderful surprises that sneak up on you when you’re not looking.

In this picture, Rob is holding on while teaching me how to boogie board. I listen carefully, judging the three-inch wave accordingly, before Rob finally lets me go. I take it into the shore and look behind to see him cheering me on.

I love that he held onto the board, but it’s even better when you let it ride.

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:28-04:00 November 15th, 2012|Categories: Nature|Tags: , |6 Comments

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