Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Brand New Catalytic Converter, Tail Pipe, & Rear Brake Repaired—$250

Yesterday we saw dozens of turtle heads sticking out of the ocean like submarine periscopes. Rob wanted to get a picture so like Ferdinand Magellan, he braved the turbulent seas and marched straight out in his tube socks.

This is was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while…

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:30-04:00 October 9th, 2012|Categories: Nature|Tags: , |12 Comments


Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: 10 Chayotes (type of squash)—$1.20…that’s a lot of squash guys

A lot is happening in Guanacaste as a result of our recent earthquake. We’ve had over a thousand aftershocks and although they are mild in comparison to the 7.6 whopper, it’s uneasy knowing the ground continues to shift under our feet. But even as the earth rumbles, people have already begun repairing their homes and businesses.

Although there were few injuries, there has been considerable damage to many buildings. Yesterday I went to the Santa Cruz municipality to pay my taxes only to find they were closed due to earthquake damage.  It appears that everyone is struggling with finding a new sense of normalcy. (more…)

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:30-04:00 October 3rd, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |4 Comments


Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: Planters Cocktail Peanuts (12 ounces)—$4.50

I was wondering if I should write this post. It’s always anti-climactic when you hear about someone’s near death experience when you know that they are alive since they’re telling you the story in the first place. And talking about earthquakes could make any Californian yawn and possibly become catatonic right before your eyes. But I will share a little bit of what it felt like when the big 7.6 hit.

It’s common to have the earth rumble under your feet if you live in the Ring of Fire. A magnitude 4.0? Eating that funny smelling hot dog in the back of the freezer is more dangerous. But a magnitude 7.6?…this was different. I knew it the moment it started. I was absolutely certain the earth was opening up beneath my feet. (more…)

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:31-04:00 September 8th, 2012|Categories: Nature|Tags: , , |23 Comments


Costa Rica Cost Of Living Update: 10.9 ounces of cottage cheese— $5

When people visit Costa Rica, they immediately plan on zip-lining. My sister and her family are here for a couple weeks and this excursion is first on their list. My nieces can’t stop talking about it.

Zip-lining should be the country’s designated excursion. I’ll go as far as to say it should be printed on all Costa Rican flags and possibly their currency as well. When I sit and have coffee in Tamarindo, inevitably someone at a neighboring table is discussing all the fun they had while flying through the air on a cable. (more…)

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:31-04:00 August 26th, 2012|Categories: Tourism|Tags: , , , |18 Comments


Costa Rica Cost of Living Update: A Quart of Motor Oil— $15.18

As I look over the children’s’ assignments that are taped to the wall, one stands out. A ship drawn on the ocean with a bright orange sun shining in the corner. “I want to get a job in tourism,” it reads, signed by a boy named Justin. At such a young age, Justin already knows there are more opportunities available to him if he can learn computer skills and conversational English. He will raise himself out of poverty by going to his weekly classes at Opening Minds (Abriendo Mentes). Justin’s future will look different than his parents.

 Drew Ragland had an idea three years ago. He noticed that many people in Potrero, Costa Rica were not getting the better paying jobs at nearby hotels and resorts. Since the local work force here was lacking in computer and English skills, hotels were hiring people from outside the area to fill the positions. Knowing that he had the ability to teach English, Drew set up a simple whiteboard in a small open air restaurant. He started writing English words on the board and people came to learn. Soon, he was teaching not only the adults but the children as well. (more…)

By | 2018-04-15T18:19:31-04:00 July 17th, 2012|Categories: Tourism|Tags: , , |29 Comments

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